| |
Tematické oblasti
(na základě EFQM Excellence Model) |
- články a anotace zveřejněné
v Management Digestu
- volně přístupné
informace zveřejněné na www
corporate governance (správa společností) |
organizační struktury |
styl vedení |
komunikace |
týmová práce |
hodnocení |
Řízení lidských zdrojů
personalistika |
empowering |
autonomní týmy |
odměňování |
pracovní a zaměstnanecké vztahy |
řízení kariéry, pracovní síly a získávání pracovníků |
motivační systémy |
SHRM online
Society for human resource management
HR Headquarters by Personnel Journal
Useful source which includes,amongst its services, access to a searchable
database of 194 articles from Personnel Journal
A Catalog of Human Resource and Computer Based Training Software
An extensive catalog covering many aspects of HRM.
Business Open Learning Archive
A very useful business site with a strong element of HRM materials.
WorkIndex http://www.workindex.com/
A valuable site,with well organised and annotated links,brought to you
by Cornell University and Human Resource Executive magazine.
Human Resources @TMC http://humanresources.miningco.com/
The site features a HR topic weekly, which provides focused online resources.
There is a calendar of events, an unmoderated chat, and annotated links.
Internet Guide to Human Resource Management http://www.hrmguide.com
Another useful set of internet sources structured in line with the book
" Human Resources in a Business Context" by Alan Price.
Řízení změn k úspěchu
strategické řízení |
řízení kvality |
TQM (Total Quality Management) |
měřitelnost kvality |
ISO, certifikace |
řízení inovací |
krizový management |
transformace podniku |
Knowledge management
vzdělávání managementu
Řízení procesů
marketing/prodej |
výzkum a vývoj |
IT a plánování |
logistika |
výroba a údržba |
TIM (Total Integrated Maintenance) |
finanční management |
administrativa |
Kvalita života
employee loyalty |
International Labour Organization http://www.ilo.org/
Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) http://www.ebri.org/
Established in 1978, the Employee Benefit Research Institute
(EBRI) is the only nonprofit, nonpartisan organization committed exclusively
to data dissemination, policy research, and education on economic security
and employee benefits.
Employment Policy Foundation http://www.epf.org/
obchodní partneři
The Global Knowledge Partnership http://www.globalknowledge.org/index.html
The Global Knowledge Partnership (GKP) is an evolving, informal partnership
of public, private and not-for-profit organizations.
FAO Partnership Programmes http://www.fao.org/GENINFO/partner/default.htm
The Partnership Programmes, launched by FAO Director-General Jacques
Diouf, are an innovative and dynamic means of extending the scope, impact
and sustainability of technical cooperation, and promoting a wider participation
of Member Nations, their institutions, experts and, above all, the beneficiaries
Vliv na okolí
odpovědnost za rozvoj pospolitosti
Mailing List: Ecological Economics (ecol-econ)
This list is to create discussion around alternatives to the
prevailing economic paradigms, whether Marxist or neoclassical.
To Subscribe:
Command: subscribe ecol-econ <Your First and Last Name>
Command: set ecol-econ mail digest
Command: index ecol-econ
University of Maryland: Institute for Ecological Economics
WEED - World Economy, Ecology and Development
was founded in 1990 and runs an office in Bonn. WEED is a Non-Governmental-Organization
which strives for fundamental restructuring of the present pattern of North-South
relations and for radical improvement of living conditions in the developing
countries. WEED is operated by experts and activists from different sectors
and institutions dealing with problems of global development. WEED considers
the deep transformations the world actually is undergoing to require a
far reaching adjustment from NGO's and popular movements if they want to
meet the new challenges.
Information Ecology: Bringing Data to Life
Evropská integrace
globalizace |
legislativa |
etika okolí |
Europa http://www.europa.eu.int/index-en.htm
an official EU server
Europe Online
access to European web sites in a number of categories for
twenty-four countries in and around Europe; in each category for each country
lists web sites including those of the country's most important companies,
organisations and national institutions; tor each country, there is an
English version of the page and a version in the country's official language.
Information Resources Related to European Integration
The Research Institute for European Affairs
Institute of the University of Economics and Business Administration,
Vienna; European Integration, developments in Eastern Europe, IEF online
working papers.
is a source of information on the European Union and associated
countries with a stress on the economic implications of the accession process.
Enlargement of the European Union
List of the key documents on enlargement
"Enlargement Weekly"
This e-zine aims to inform you on the major developments of
the enlargement process and will keep track of all the important issues
relative to your country.

konkurenceschopnost |
benchmarking |
competitive intelligence